Wahai Berkah Group, JANGAN PERNAH sekalipun meng-klik iklan google (AdSense) pada blog milik BERKAH.

Jika terjadi klik pada blog Berkah oleh Insan Berkah maka Account Berkah akan DIBLOK.

Kita sudah memiliki Puluhan Blog, Ratusan Posting dan Ribuan Promosi, akan HILANG SIA-SIA jika diblok.

Terima kasih.

Islamic Economy: Its Relevance to the Globalization

This study confines on the relevance of Islamic economy to global trade, investment and industry in Muslim Filipino areas. It is useful, valuable and a reference material in the formulation of economic policies, plan and strategies.

Read More: http://klik-ekonomisyariah.blogspot.com

Tips to Increase Your AdSense Revenue

Some quick tips on what you can do to grow your AdSense profits (I'm currently making over $300 per month with AdSense by following this very strategy) BUILD QUALITY CONTENT SITES Content is King.

Read more: http://get-googleadsense.blogspot.com

Tips Gelar Online

Dapatkan Tips-tips Pendidikan Online di: http://go-online-education.blogspot.com